Preserving and sharing know-how in an inclusive way that values diversity
Know-how is the ‘most tangible manifestation of the intangible’ (UNESCO), so it needs to be preserved and circulated.
As this knowledge is held by the oldest members of society, the issue of intergenerational transmission is particularly crucial to its preservation, both within indigenous communities and in Western societies. In today’s global context, it also seems necessary to encourage links and the sharing of cultures, as well as intercultural and intergenerational exchanges, particularly when these help to preserve more resilient and environmentally-friendly know-how.
How do know-how constellations work?
The information on know-how transmitted by the communities can be browsed using a constellation system. In this way, the answers to the most similar questions will be represented by the nearest stars, and the most different answers will be represented by the furthest stars. It’s a new way of representing information in a more inclusive way, while at the same time allowing each user to get a glimpse of the cultural diversity that exists and to feel socially represented.
By linking the stars in the sky, our imagination creates a shape. These constellations, which people have always imagined, bear witness to beliefs, traditions and cultures. Together, we invite you to create constellations that reveal the world’s ways of doing things, so that you can better understand your place in this expanse of cultures.
Know-how constellations also enable users to discover other ways of meeting needs, and thus to become more autonomous in their mode of production and consumption. Each need can be met by different know-how specific to each culture and individual. The constellations will put you in the spotlight and situate you among other ways of doing things. By taking part, you will gain a sense of identity and a place to guide others thanks to your knowledge and diversity. Your stars will guide those who are lost in the dark.